Ottawa Vendors

Fireside chat with Capital Florist

Fireside chat with Capital Florist

I met Carla (from Capital Florist) a few years ago when we both took part in a Halloween-themed styled-shoot. At the time, Carla was a part-time florist who was eager to shed her day-job to pursue her passion full-time. By the time I met her, she already had years of experience as a florist and exuded the warmth and earnestness that she has come to be known by her clients and peers. Yes, her floral designs are to-die-for, but she is also just super fun to have around! Fast forward several years later to now, Carla has become one of Ottawa's most popular florists. She leads a team of talented floral designers who are all over Ottawa on weekends installing or delivering beautiful floral arrangements. This lady boss is a master-florist, a brand-savvy entrepreneur, and an overall amazing person.